Atirkül in the Land of Real Men
Atirkül in the Land of Real Men
Janyl Jusupjan
Kyrgyzstan / 2023 / 65' / Italian premiere
Atirkül in the Land of Real Men
Janyl Jusupjan
Kyrgyzstan / 2023 / 65' / Italian premiere

On the vast plains of Kyrgyzstan, men continue to practice buzkashi, a team sport that has been popular in Central Asia for centuries. The aim of the game is to steal the trophy of a dead goat from the rival team of riders while remaining on horseback. Into this tough masculine world enters Atirkül, a woman with an enterprising spirit and a sense of humour, whose ambition is to find local young men to form her own buzkashi team and in this way preserve the heritage of her native region.

Language: Kirghiz

Subtitles: Italian


Janyl Jusupjan

Janyl Jusupjan was born in Kyrgyzstan, where she studied literature. She worked as a journalist at Radio Free Europe /Radio Liberty, Prague before embarking on independent documentary filmmaking in 2015. ATIRKÜL IN THE LAND OF REAL MEN is her third feature documentary.


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