“The epic story of the hardest rock ascent in the world” is a documentary film telling the story behind the first ascent of the Rhapsody, the most famous E11 route in the world, made by Dave MacLeod. For those who are not familiar with the British grade system, E11 is the equivalent of the French 8c+ or the American 5.14d. Dave MacLeod is one of the greatest climbers in the world, who is always trying to increase the level of difficulty and, inevitably, of hazard. The very steep and threatening rock, protecting the castle sides sheer to the sea of Dumbarton in Scotland, is the setting of Dave MacLeod’s personal challenge. The film reveals Dave’s commitment, frustration and strong mental and physical effort as he is engaged in a series of breathtaking passages and some terrifying falls.
Paul Diffley
A producer and director, in 2003 together with Dave Brown he founded an independent video studio, Hot Aches, specialising in filming sports adventures and exploration in extreme conditions. His film "E11", also presented at the TrentoFilmfestival in 2007, was one of the most successful films on climbing in the last few years, receiving no less than thirteen international awards. Paul also works for British and American television, dealing above all with filming and extreme locations.