Il sole sorge come ogni mattina, ma un bel giorno scopre di non ricevere la solita buona accoglienza.
Gil Alkabetz
1957 Born in Kibuz “Mashabei Sade”, Israel
1979 - 1983 Graphic Design studies in the “Bezalel“ Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
1984 -1985 Animator and Director in the studio “Frame by Frame“, Jerusalem
1985 - 1995 Freelance animator and illustrator and animation and illustration
teacher at different art schools in Israel
1995 - 2001 Independent film maker in Stuttgart, Germany
2002 Guest Professor in the Rocky Mountains College of Art and Design, Denver - Colorado, USA
2003 Guest Teacher in the School of Art and Design, Luzern, Switzerland
since 2004 Professor in the HFF, “Konrad Wolf”, Potsdam Babelsberg
since 2005 Teacher in the Filmakademie BW and working on a free film project
Was jury in 8 international film festivals. Participated in 6 single and group exhibitions. Had 13 retrospectives in different film festivals.