Con la furia di un ragazzo. Un ritratto di Bruno Trentin
Con la furia di un ragazzo. Un ritratto di Bruno Trentin
Franco Giraldi
Italy / 2008 / 93'
Con la furia di un ragazzo. Un ritratto di Bruno Trentin
Franco Giraldi
Italy / 2008 / 93'

This film retraces the most influential moments in the life of Bruno Trentin, from his youth to his days as a partisan. The story is set against the backdrop of workplaces such as the Lingotto and Mirafiori FIAT factories in Turin, the headquarters of his trade union the CGIL, and the Dolomites of San Candido, where he loved to spend his time off. This conversation was recorded in various chapters in 1998 by Franco Giraldi and is combined with other extracts from documentaries of the day. This portrait affords a comprehensive insight into a complex, lively and indomitable man who put his civil-minded spirit at the service of workers and Italy.


Franco Giraldi

Franco Giraldi was born in 1931 and made his director’s debut in spaghetti westerns. He then headed in a completely different direction by branching into Italian comedy with La bambolona, Cuori solitari and La supertestimone. However, with films such as La rosa rossa, Un anno di scuola and La giacca verde, Giraldi set about making more traditional films which were often based on novels by writers including Soldati, Stuparich, Dostoevsky, Moravia and Conrad. He also directed a theatre version of Coscienza di Zeno. In addition to these films, he has also had a long and successful career in directing television series for RAI and Mediaset.
