The First Day
The First Day
Marcin Sauter
Poland / 2007 / 20'
The First Day
Marcin Sauter
Poland / 2007 / 20'

It’s a story about one of the most import­ant moments in everyone’s life. The transfer to an urban environment of several children from the Tundra seen as a rite-de-passage as to the coming of age. The film was made within the frame­work of the “Russia-​​Poland. New Gaze” film-pro­ject.


Marcin Sauter

Marcin Sauter was born in Bydgoszcz (Poland) in 1971. Photographer and cameraman, he has worked among other projects on "The Suburban Train" (2005) by Maciej Cuske. He successfully completed the Documentary course at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing in Warsaw.
