A Life Ascending
A Life Ascending
Stephen Grynberg
United States / 2010 / 57'
A Life Ascending
Stephen Grynberg
United States / 2010 / 57'

Ruedi Beglinger is an acclaimed backcountry skier and mountain guide who lives with his wife and two children at the foot of a remote glacier at the heart of the Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia. The film follows the unique world of this mountain family and their struggle to return to normality after seven people are killed by an avalanche during an expedition led by Beglinger. The film documents the sublime beauty and constant risk of living in the wild, exploring the power of nature as both an unforgiving host and life’s great teacher.


Stephen Grynberg

Born in Denver, Colorado, Stephen began writing and making short films after a brief career as a television producer and an even shorter career as a chemical engineer. After obtaining a diploma from the American Film Institute, in 1998 he wrote and directed his first film, "Love from Ground Zero". In 2005 he made "Past Forward", his first documentary.
