The film recounts the life of Emilio Salgari, exploring the three types of “geography” characterising the last twenty years of his life: the geography of Turin, with his personal experiences of the city in which he spent the most turbulent years of his life; the exotic imaginary geography explored in his novels, a world made up of fascinating places far away, an atlas which only existed in his imagination and which has accompanied the childhood of whole generations of readers, and finally the interior geography of Salgari the man, which led him to commit suicide, exploring his last house in Corso Casale in Turin and reconstructing the last years of his life through his known and desperate letters.
Marco Serrecchia is the author and director of numerous documentaries. Since 1998 he has worked as director of production for the documentaries "Scemi di guerra" by Enrico Verra (2007), "Possibili rapporti" by Nelo Risi (2007), "A quattro mani - Camilleri/Lucarelli" di Matteo Raffaelli (2007), "Ritorni" by Giovanna Taviani (2005) and many others.