Cagliari, in the old district of Stampace, 2008. In 1944 the Diocese of Cagliari granted the G.I.O.C. (Young Christian Workers’ Association) the usage of Santa Restituta’s church as a social club. Among many activities, the new club rediscovered the ancient Carnival of Cagliari, which it began to organize anew. Suddenly, the club was required to give back the facilities, as the Church authorities thought it necessary to start again the cult of the Saint. So, the curtain sadly came down on the G.I.O.C.’s activities.
Marina Anedda
Marina Anedda has been a researcher in the field of photography for over twenty years. She is specially concerned with the cultural patrimony of her island, recording its traditional and current manifestations. Her first film “Tu nos Ephisy protégé” received the award for the best film made by Sardinian author, at the SIEFF in Nuoro.