Kebab Time
Kebab Time
Simone Cargnoni
Italy / 2011 / 28'
Kebab Time
Simone Cargnoni
Italy / 2011 / 28'

The story of kebab shopkeepers in Trento, taking a look at what the foreigners managing kebab shops did before coming to Italy and opening their businesses and their experience of entrepreneurship in Italy. It is well-known that it is not easy for a foreigner to find a job and integrate in the community and even more difficult to start up a business. So what jobs did these people do before leaving their own country? Did they have anything to do with kebab shops? How do they manage their entrepreneurial activities here in Italy? Have they become integrated? Have they left their loved ones behind in their countries of origin? Do they intend to return home or do they wish to remain here?


Simone Cargnoni

Born in Brescia in 1984, he lives in Trento, where he has worked regularly in the field of photography and video since 2008. In addition to "Kebab Time", in 2010 he also made "Relè".
