In the Life Above the Clouds documentary series five locations on the European continent are presented where humans have managed, through perseverance and in a most impressive manner, to establish themselves “above the clouds” despite all temptations of a simpler life further down below.
They are one and all an exceptional phenomenon, for in many places, life at this altitude is threatened by extinction. New EU directives make the traditional forms of cultivation of many remote locations impossible, while the new, younger generations dream and desire to take part in the new globalised world of mobile phones and Internet. Likewise, the regional administrations and other institutions no longer concern themselves with some of the distant locations, thus making them uninhabitable.
The third episode of Life Above the Clouds, directed by Andreas Pichler, is filmed in Val Passiria, South Tyrol.
The programme of the .72 edition is online
Trento, 26 April - 5 May 2024
Trento, 26 April - 5 May 2024