Lukomir, Bosnia. Ismet, Dervo and Nura tend to their sheep, completely cut-off from the rest of the world by snow. They struggle to survive in a place that was once home to a thriving community. In order to eke out a future, the young members of their family went to Sarajevo. Their only link to the rest of the world is a telephone and a television, but in such an inhospitable environment these appliances must also brave the power of nature.
Niels Van Koevorden
Born in the Netherlands in 1984, Niels attended the Lievegoed Bernhard College of Liberal Arts, where he discovered his interest in documenting the world around him. Subsequently he studied at the "Dutch Film and Television Academy" in Amsterdam, where he graduated as a director in 2010. In 2003 he made his first film abroad, a short documentary about young people in Sarajevo. "Winterslaap in Lukomir" is the work produced for his degree thesis.