In spring 2009, a group of young people with mental-health problems embarked on a three-day trekking expedition through Supramonte di Balnei, one of the wildest areas of Sardinia. It was the ideal place to test a new therapy designed by doctors and health workers from the Sanluri Department of Mental Health. The aim was to climb down the Su Orroargiu canyon. The environment is unforgiving and the tough itinerary risks turning into a trap. A few weeks before the expedition, some of the young people were living shut up in their bedrooms; now they are setting off on an adventure they never thought they would see. The emotions they experience leave a deep mark, yet they sow a seed of faith and hope into their wounded souls.
Mirko Giorgi
Mirko Giorgi, a partner of NO STOP TRAINING srl, open learning trainer, coach, climber and photographer, writes articles for the main magazines in the field. In the middle of the 1980s he was one of the first people in Italy to use outdoor training as a way of developing the potential of individuals and groups. Since 2000 he has made video programmes and documentaries for companies and public bodies.
Alessandro Dardani
A traveller and photographer since the 1970s, after an expedition to Kenya in 1985 he became Honorary Curator at the Museo Civico in Rovereto and made a number of short films on naturalistic and archaeological subjects. In 2008 he made a film about salt caravans in the Afar Triangle, while in 2009 he went on the trail of the mythical land of Aratta in Iran.