Der Glanz Des Tages
Der Glanz Des Tages
Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel
Austria / 2012 / 90'
Der Glanz Des Tages
Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel
Austria / 2012 / 90'

Philipp Hochmair is a young and successful actor working for the most important theatres in Vienna and Hamburg. He spends his time learning new texts, rehearsing and performing, gradually losing touch with everyday reality. But when Philipp meets Walter, with whom he starts an ambiguous friendship, and has to face his neighbor Victor’s destiny, he is reminded that life is more than a stage.


Tizza Covi

From 1992 to 1994 she attended the College of Photography in Vienna, then working as a freelance photographer in Rome until 1998. In 2002 she founded the film production house Vento Film and began producing her own works independently. She was part of the international jury of the 61st Trento Film Festival.

Rainer Frimmel

Rainer Frimmel concluded his professional training as a photographer at the Grafische Lehranstalt in Vienna. For his photographic work he was awarded grants to study in Rome, Paris and New York. In 2000 he edited and published the private video recordings of a Viennese hospital orderly ("Aufzeichnungen aus dem Tiefparterre"), screened at numerous international festivals.
