Earth's Golden Playground
Earth's Golden Playground
Andreas Horvath
Austria / 2013 / 106'
Earth's Golden Playground
Andreas Horvath
Austria / 2013 / 106'

Since the frist Gold Rush in the late 1890s, the Yukon, with its legendary Klondike gold fields, has been a remote land shrouded in mystery. Nowadays, in times of economic instability, the high price of gold makes the search for the precious metal all the more attractive. Individual miners compete obsessively to find the precious metal still believed to lie hidden underground, making them improbable heroes in a new gold rush.

Language: English

Subtitles: Italian


Andreas Horvath

He was born in 1968 in Salzburg, Austria. He studied photography in Vienna and multimedia art in Salzburg and works as a freelance photographer and director. Since 2011 his documentaries have been selected and often awarded prizes at international festivals (Visions du RĂ©el, Chicago and Karlovy Vary). He has published photography books on Siberia and the USA. He teaches at HEAD in Geneva. Figures like Richard Avendon and Ryszard Kapuscinski have praised his photographic work.


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