Over and beyond the feats, climbing can be a poetic gesture and genuine school of life. As Stéphanie Bodet says, “Climbing means concentrating on the infinitely small in the infinitely great”. It is a definition of her passion that reconciles perfectly with the delicate moves that she is about to make on the Teghie Lisce, in Corsica, together with her companion Arnaud Petit. Through writing and poetry, Stéphanie reveals the emotions aroused by the ascent and allows us to share her intimate relationship with the rock.
Bertrand Delapierre
Bertrand Delapierre is a director and cameraman who started his career by making films on water and snow. He is part of a team of young people that the production studio Seven Doc has invested in from their very first feature-length films. He is also an expert mountaineer and his skill has enabled him to complete a range of steep climbs in the Alps and Himalayas with his friend and fellow climber Marco Siffredi. His IT knowledge also enabled him to create the first mountain video websites and to launch his own personal website. His films capture his love for the mountains and they highlight the beauty and intensity of climbing stories.
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