Un paese di primule e caserme
Un paese di primule e caserme
Diego Clericuzio
Italy / 2014 / 68'
Un paese di primule e caserme
Diego Clericuzio
Italy / 2014 / 68'

From the Treaty of Vienna in 1866 up to the end of the Cold War, Friuli Venezia Giulia was continually littered with military buildings, constructed to watch over an area situated between two opposing geopolitical systems. However, the rapid disappearance of this conflict has led to these structures becoming equally rapidly obsolete: what is the fate of the heritage in the process of being dismantled, and above all of the experiences of those who lived with and in the barracks for more than fifty years?


Diego Clericuzio

Diego Clericuzio, a director and filmmaker, makes commercials and videos for numerous large Italian industries. In 2010 he founded Dmovie Communication. His work has been screened in Washington, Miami, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Paris and London.


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