La catena
La catena
Paolo Vinati
Italy / 2016 / 18'
La catena
Paolo Vinati
Italy / 2016 / 18'

In the Val Badia, on the slopes of the Dolomites, Tobias manages a mountain farm at an altitude of 1500 metres, together with his family. In this microcosm, every aspect of their daily life has its place and natural pace. The same actions are repeated day after day, year after year, and the lives of men and animals are indissolubly interwoven, like links in a chain, with a production chain that begins with the birth of the animal and continues with its butchering, to then arrive on the table around which the family comes together.


Paolo Vinati

Born in Brescia in 1967, he gained a degree in Ethnomusicology from the performance art faculty of Bologna University. He has carried out various research projects in Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Austria and Montenegro, publishing books and supervising several CDs. He has worked for different bodies, including the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna. He currently works with the Istitut Ladin “Micurà de Rü” in Val Badia.


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