Looking for exits: conversations with a wingsuit artist
Looking for exits: conversations with a wingsuit artist
Kristoffer Hegnsvad
Denmark / 2015 / 62'
Looking for exits: conversations with a wingsuit artist
Kristoffer Hegnsvad
Denmark / 2015 / 62'

Base jumping with a wingsuit is an extreme sport in which the sportsperson launches himself from the summit and thanks to a suit making him into a superhero he can glide for hundreds of metres until his parachute opens. In the base jumping community Ellen Brennan is unanimously considered to be a real artist of the discipline. Ellen Brennnan is not only the fastest base jumper in the world, she is above all a woman who has chosen to embrace a philosophy of life based on direct contact with nature. In her home near Chamonix, Ellen spends her days (and sometimes her nights) looking for new potential sites for her launches, which she calls "exits".

Language: English

Subtitles: Italian


Kristoffer Hegnsvad

Educated in philosophy, litterature and modern culture from Copenhagen University and Sorbonne, Paris. Editor of the Film and TV section of the mayour danish newspaper Politiken.


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