Let's go to Antarctica!
Let's go to Antarctica!
Gonzaga Manso
Spain / 2018 / 5' / International premiere
Let's go to Antarctica!
Gonzaga Manso
Spain / 2018 / 5' / International premiere

Carlos is an enthusiastic tourist, currently on holiday in the Antarctic. Excited by his experience in the far reaches of the world, he does not fail to immortalise everything he sees with his camera, in order to remember the landscapes and penguins when he returns home. On their part, the penguins will rapidly forget about him, as they cannot photograph him. An ironic reflection on contemporary travel and what it involves.

Language: Spanish

Subtitles: Italian


Gonzaga Manso

Gonzaga Manso is a director and photographer, mainly focused on advertising and artistic work. He has worked for clients like Pepsi, McDonald's, Movistar, Sony and Smart, and with agencies like DDB, McCann-Erickson, Contrapunto BBDO and TBWA. Some of his works have been awarded at important international festivals.


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