Le Creature di Andrea
Le Creature di Andrea
Thomas Saglia
Italy / 2019 / 75'
Le Creature di Andrea
Thomas Saglia
Italy / 2019 / 75'

Andrea lives his life made of a very tight routine, of solitude and art. In an attempt to leave a mark, we see Andrea busy making paintings to give to the whole city. We will then enter his world, made up of rules and different times, where art and imagination mix up to blend. Andrea has always lived in the myth of Michelangelo, his idol and source of inspiration, and in the shadow of religion. For this reason he feels that, to be complete, he too must have his Sistine chapel to be frescoed.

Language: Italian


Thomas Saglia

After studying music and performing arts at the University of Trento, he began a journey that led to numerous collaborations in the audiovisual sector in Trentino. In 2015 he was an audiovisual representative for the project “Altrove Reporter”, which culminated with the direction and editing of the documentary I capitali italiani. He studied Directing at the ZeLIG School in Bolzano.


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