Gianfranco Bonadies, Paolo Martino
Italy / 2019 / 29'
Gianfranco Bonadies, Paolo Martino
Italy / 2019 / 29'

On the Pratomagno, a mountain range in the heart of Italy, Alberto and Sulayman enjoy a very special friendship. Alberto is a child born in the midst of the pastures of this pleasant land, Sulayman is a young shepherd arriving from Gambia by sea. Far from the frenetic life of the valley, the two live quietly, in symbiosis with the land and animals, until a dark portent appears on the horizon, forewarning of a division. After many years, Alberto decides to return to the Pratomagno, the land of his childhood. There is nobody left, only his memories and torrential rain, seemingly endless, under which everything appears to crumble. So what about us? Will we crumble or get a new lease on life?

Language: Italian


Gianfranco Bonadies

Freelance animator and illustrator, in 2006, he started working for several Spanish animation studios before opening its own studio. He teaches Animation and Vfx at the Accademia del Cinema dei Ragazzi.

Paolo Martino

He studied International Relations and lived for years in the Middle East. In 2010 he wrote "Mussa Khan - The rebellious Afghan". He produced Terra di Transito (2014) and realized the reportages Dal Caucaso a Beirut (2012), Doppio gioco a Melilla (2015), Il mormorìo (2016).


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