La Brenva en hiver
La Brenva en hiver
Thibaut Sichet
France / 2020 / 20' / International premiere
La Brenva en hiver
Thibaut Sichet
France / 2020 / 20' / International premiere

Sixty-three years ago, two young men set out on a winter ascent of Mont Blanc. Lost in the storm, they remain prisoners of the mountain for almost ten days. Archive footage reconstructs their journey and the rescue attempts as the director returns to the scene.

Language: French

Subtitles: Italian


Thibaut Sichet

Thibaut Sichet was born in Rouen, Normandy. After studies in music, cinema and audiovisual, he began studying at La Fémis in the Sound Department in 2016. BRENVA EN HIVER has been selected in the Short Film Competition at the FIPADOC – Festival International Documentaire of Biarritz in 2021.


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