Emanuele Confortin
Italy / 2021 / 19' / World premiere
Emanuele Confortin
Italy / 2021 / 19' / World premiere

Malga Venegiota is an old farm deep in Val Venegia, overlooked by the Pale di San Martino mountains. The heifers graze high up, under the rockfaces of the Mulaz, while the livestock milked in the morning and evening is concentrated close to the farm. Running a mountain dairy in the 21st century demands extra skills, starting from hospitality, despite the limits imposed by Covid. The possible future of alpine pastures requires passion and sacrifice, and is now more than ever in the hands of young people.

Language: Italian


Emanuele Confortin

Journalist and filmmaker, he covers crisis areas, migration and minorities on the margins of modern society, in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Among his projects the publications "Dentro l'esodo" and "Back to life in Iraq", and the documentaries KINNAUR HIMALAYA (Trento FF 2020) and CORONAVENICE. Alpinist, he is co-founder and director of the magazine


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