La lunga strada
La lunga strada
Alessio Salvini
Italy / 2022 / 7' / World premiere
La lunga strada
Alessio Salvini
Italy / 2022 / 7' / World premiere

From the mountains to the sea, water embarks on a long journey. Resulting from melting glaciers, it is transformed into a stream, to then flow tumultuously down through the gorges and leap acrobatically through the rocks as it crosses the valleys. As it gradually moves through the city, passing under bridges, it becomes calmer, until it finally comes to rest in the sea, gently lapping the coast and accompanying sailors on their journeys.

Language: Italian


Alessio Salvini

Born in Siena in 1992, filmmaker and photographer. He studied photography at L.A.B.A. (Free Academy of Fine Arts) in Florence. He is currently enrolled in the third year of the Reportage course at the Abruzzo branch of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. He’s working on a new mountain-related film.


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