La vera storia della partita di nascondino più grande al mondo
La vera storia della partita di nascondino più grande al mondo
Paolo Bonfadini, Irene Cotroneo, Davide Morando
Italy / 2021 / 11'
La vera storia della partita di nascondino più grande al mondo
Paolo Bonfadini, Irene Cotroneo, Davide Morando
Italy / 2021 / 11'

In Serravalle Langhe, for over seventy years the biggest game of hide-and-seek in the world has taken place each year, as a matter of tradition. Everyone conceals themselves to honour the memory of the partisans who were obliged to go into hiding during the Resistance, to save themselves and the whole town.

Language: Italian


Paolo Bonfadini

A freelance Italian director, maker of TV shows and screenwriter. He graduated in film direction at the Civica Scuola di Cinema L. Visconti. Co-founder of the Asterisco* creative collective.

Irene Cotroneo

She has a diploma in Production from the Civica di Cinema in Milan. She works as an assistant director for TV productions. Co-founder of the Asterisco* creative collective.

Davide Morando

An Italian director and editor, he has worked as a freelance Creative Producer for several television networks. Co-founder of the Asterisco* creative collective.


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