Hermann Huber – Vom Wert der Zeit
Hermann Huber – Vom Wert der Zeit
Tom Dauer
Germany, Austria, Italy / 2021 / 25' / Italian premiere
Hermann Huber – Vom Wert der Zeit
Tom Dauer
Germany, Austria, Italy / 2021 / 25' / Italian premiere

Hermann Huber - that's 90 years of a full, sometimes hard, often adventurous, always fulfilling life. With a cinematic portrait, author and filmmaker Tom Dauer takes a bow to a man who dedicated his life to the mountains and never forgot that mountain life is part of a whole. Complete only when family, friendships, profession, openness to the world, curiosity and love of humanity find their place in it.

Language: German

Subtitles: Italian


Tom Dauer

Born in Munich and raised in Mexico, he studied German Literature and Political Science in Munich. Since 1998, he works as a freelance writer and filmmaker. He is the author of several books about mountaineering.


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