Contadini di Confine / Grenzbauern
Contadini di Confine / Grenzbauern
Michele Trentini
Italy / 2024 / 72' / Italian premiere
Contadini di Confine / Grenzbauern
Michele Trentini
Italy / 2024 / 72' / Italian premiere

In some villages in the Val di Non and Val di Fiemme, close to the border between the provinces of Trento and Bolzano, the characteristics of the landscape are different from other mountain areas, characterised by intensive monoculture or abandonment. This is due to the work of farmers in both provinces, who have put into practice a collaborative experience that is a source of pride for the communities to which they belong, with the socio-cultural significance cutting across regional borders.

With the presence of Michele Trentini and Marco Romano

Language: Italian, German

Subtitles: Italian


Michele Trentini

Born in Rovereto, he graduated in sociology from the Universities of Trento and Dresden. He conducts research using the methods of ethnography and visual anthropology. In collaboration with Marco Romano, he made CHEYENNE, TRENT'ANNI (2009), PICCOLA TERRA (2012) and CONTADINI DI CONFINE (2024).


Premio Dolomiti Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO
Ed. 2024
The film once again proposes the theme of “resistance"" in the mountains, in this case based on a type of farming using traditional systems and with mechanisation still ""on a human scale” that makes it possible to produce a prestigious cheese such as “Trentingrana”, thanks to the wealth of mountain pastures. The choice of interviews, almost always involving couples, is commendable. Lastly, the concept of a boundary that exists politically but not in people's minds should be underlined.


Trento Film Map