Paesaggio Rifugio. Visioni e incontri da un altrove alpino
Paesaggio Rifugio. Visioni e incontri da un altrove alpino
Michele Trentini, Andrea Colbacchini
Italy / 2023 / 44' / World premiere
08/03/2024 21:00
Sala Emmaus, Patronato Pio X
Via Borgo Treviso 78

Alpine shelters: an anthropologist recalls their transformation in different contexts, the managers of two historic shelters underline their value as territorial and cultural strongholds, while a glaciologist presents evidence of climate change at high altitude. All around, beyond the limits of anthropized areas, there lies the picturesque “fruitless landscape” that an ever-increasing number of visitors to the mountains wish to reach, admire and immortalise.

Language: Italian