Two young men, very different from each other, but both in search of places where nature is unspoilt, meet during a weekend outing in the Alps. Kurt, a good quiet person, follows the singposted paths but loses his way and meets Heiko, an agile lawyer. Heiko is with two friends, Moni and Nelli, and they want to spend the night in the mountains. A keen hang glider flier, the young gentleman with the two women is lookin for adventure away from normal routes. But the threesome, in the solitude of the mountains, are not only disturbed by Kurt. Everywhere there are sings of civilization and, nearby, military exercises are in progress. This land cannot be crossed. In the end, when Kurt tells Nelli about a tete-a-tete between Heiko and Moni, all hell is let loose, but Heiko is a man not to be pushed around. In the end of confrontation between the two men is inevitable.