When the Incas were defeated bythe Spanish , asmallèlite religious group called Qero took refuge in the Andes. No conqueror was ever aware of their existece. The Qero priests, conveinced they had supernatural powers, settled with their families in an impassable area at an altitude of 5000 metres. Their descendants, 2000 people all together, are still there, in what may be called an Incas state in the heart of Perù. Having remained socially and culturally isolated they have not been influenced by the conqueror's civilization and have genuinely preserved their original values, attitudes and behaviours. Everything, from the rearing of lamas to the dehidratation of potatoes and rituals with coca leaves, is still carried out according to ancient rules governing one of the largest empires on earth. Rules making time in an existence tested by a server climate and extremely unfavourable environmental conditions. The documentary portrays the culture, daily life and environment of the Qero.