Nine year old Moritz, of San Paolo/Oltradige, has a great dream: to be able one day to look at Alto Adige from on high, from the summit of the Ortles. However, Moritz has a problem – he was born a paraplegic. Werner, his father, would do anything to make his son happy. Together with a group of friends, mountain enthusiasts with great experience, they decide to go on an expedition to satisfy Moritz’s wish. The group sets out for the mountain, on a day that is not particularly favourable due to bad weather, and reaches the Payer refuge at 3000 metres with great difficulty. The next day, although the weather is not at all promising, the group sets off again, but later the friends realise it will be impossible to reach the summit. Moritz’s dream vanishes, but everyone hopes it has only been postponed to better days.