Lorenzo Camocardi
Italy / 2002 / 12'
Lorenzo Camocardi
Italy / 2002 / 12'

Willpower is always fundamental for achieving any goal. On 22 August 2002, Renato Brignone, a phocomelic from birth, managed to climb to the top of Mt. Rosa with his crutches and the help of some friends. "You can do anything if you want to. And thanks to the person who gives you a hand. Because there is always someone who can give you a hand".
These are his words on the summit, inspired by the understandable satisfaction for having realised a dream at long last.


Lorenzo Camocardi

An advertising photographer since 1987, he subsequently approached film as Director of Photography. Since 1992 he has made hundreds of adverts for advertising campaigns, also at international level, industrial videos and video clips. In 1998 he opened his own production company at Intra (VB), where he has extended his activities to include television programmes, documentaries and short films.