This film is a passionate tribute to his brother Felix and expresses a series of thoughts, questions, interior self-examination and deep regret following the void left by his loss, which seriously affected Alberto Inurrategi’s spirit after the terrible accident faced by Felix on Gasherbrum I.
The two brothers were trying to complete their plan to climb all fourteen 8000m peaks.
Alberto Iñurrategi
Alberto Iñurrategi
Alberto Iñurrategi was born in the Spanish town of Aretxabaleta, Guipúzcoa in 1968. He is the tenth climber in the world to succeed in reaching the peaks of the fourteen “eight-thousands”. Climber, writer and film-maker, he has directed the television series Oinak Izarretan for ETB (Televisión Autonomica Vasca). An episode of the series, Annapurna, sueño y vacio was entered in the Trentofilmfestival in 2002 and received the prize for best film at Torelló festival in Spain. His film Hire Himalaya, a homage to his brother Félix and giving a deep insight into the mountains, was awarded the first prizes at the festivals of Trento, Cervinia, Torelló, Poprad (Poland), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Kendal (England) and Telluride (Colorado), as well as the Jury award at Banff (Canada). In 2005 he shot Gure Himalaya. Since 1997 he has worked on the project “Al Filo de lo Imposible”, participating in several climbing expeditions to Everest, Baintha Brak, Gasherbrum III, Shivling, Nanga Parbat, Torres del Trango, Jala Bary, Moun. Cook and Dhaulagiri.