Erika Hubatschek is a woman who, when she was very young, began to learn and appreciate the way of life of the mountain farmers. On her bike, she used to go to the mountains and she decided to leave the town to work in the fields and milk the cows, taking care not to upset the farming traditions she so fond of. She usually took a notebook with her to jot down what happened around her and then she began to snapp photographs.
Since 1939 Rika Hubatschek has collected many pictures of the mountain farmers’ world and her work has been displayed in exhibitions throughout Europe and in the United States. Allowing herself to be led by her passion and without realising she had achieved something exceptional, Erika Hubatschek continued to believe she was more of a geographer than a photographer. Today, almost sixty years later, with her back bent by age, she continues to meet farmers, to play the accordion with them, show them old photos, or simply buy milk from them.
Joël Jenin is a French writer and filmmaker, specialising in documentary films for television. Her broad filmography includes:Les chemins du Filosorma, Marsulinu: la vallée des bergers, Les bergers corses au Tyrol , La transhumance des truites , L’Ile des Orgues , Sang de yak, Le Cap des marins, Du cap Corse à Punta Arenas, Le chant des pierres, Partitions oubliées, Danube, fleuve d’Europe, Le péril vient de la mer and Les bergers d’Alzu, the ordinary and extraordinary life of mountain shepherds, selected for the Festival du Pastoralisme et grands espaces, in 2004.
Une vie sur la pente raide, selected for the Mountain Film Festival of Trento in 2004, the International Festival of mountain film of Tegernsee and awarded at the International Film Festival of mountain film of Autrans in December.