Switzerland / 2004 / 52'
Switzerland / 2004 / 52'

Le montagne maledette -il Kanun- il debito di sangue -la vendetta- la tregua- l'onore ripreso- il nome disonorato: basta poco per trovarsi risucchiati in storie e in luoghi di tragica arcaicità, in vicende fuori dal tempo. Bastano poco meno di due ore di volo , partendo da Zurigo o da Milano, per ritrovarsi in Albania del nord- così vicina geograficamente ma per lo più sconosciuta all'Europa. Un territorio impenetrabile, uno stile di vita diverso con le sue consuetudini e i suoi ritmi lenti e implacabili. La primavera scorsa una Troupe della TSI si è addentrata nelle montagne maledette dell'Albania settentrionale per gettare uno sguardo sulle radici storico sociali delle leggi consuetudinarie medievali che compongono il Kanun: Il codice. Ha raccolto storie di assassini, di fughe disperate , di vite ammutolite - inchiodate appunto - dalla moderna criminalità sotto le mentite spoglie della gloriosa tradizione


Elvira Dones

Born in 1960 in Durazzo, Albania. Graduated in English and Albanian Letters she has worked in Albanian cinematographic studies and State Television. Since 1988 she worked first as a TV editor and then as a journalist and a writer. Currently she lives in the United States of America alternating her job as a writer, journalist and screenwriter.


Fulvio Mariani was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland) in 1958. In 1981 he started to work as a cameraman for TSI – Swiss Italian Television. In 1985 he shot the documentary Cumbre which received many official awards. Thanks to this film, Mariani started his own business, Iceberg-Film, a production company mainly specialising in adventure documentary films. For many years he collaborated with leading figures in the climbing and mountaineering world, such as Reinhold Messner, Jerzy Kukuczka, Walter Bonatti, Hans Kammerlander, Riccardo Cassin, Mauro Corona, Stefan Glowacs and Piero Dal Pra'. In 1991 he was director of photography on the wall for the film Grido di pietra by Werner Herzog. He has collaborated with leading European Televisions channels such as ZDF, ORF, France 3, RAI and Mediaset, always shooting extreme adventure situations. In 1987 he published the book Drammi e Diaframmi. In 1994 he was director of photography for the Television series "Viva Africa and Overland" for Italian RAI. The following documentary films also received many awards: "L’uomo di legno", "La strada per Olmo Lungring and Siachen: a war for ice". He has participated in TrentoFilmfestival since the beginning of his career. He won the Silver Gentian prize with "Cumbre" (1987) and with "Cinquant’anni dopo" (1988) as well as the Golden Gentian CAI for the film "I Cavalieri delle vertigini "(2000). In 1990 he was a member of the International Jury in Trento.