The Kirghiz population of Pamir has about 2,000 people from the Pamir region of Central Asia. They have lived in exile in Eastern Turkey for twenty-seven years. In 2005, an Anglo-Turkish troupe arrived in their village and tried to capture the story of these people in a documentary film. In the different chapters of the film we listen to the modern Kirghiz’s voices and watch many historical reconstructions. We also enjoy some scenes of unusual interaction between the people of the troupe and the local community. By following the historical tales we manage to understand how the adversity of this people to communism has led them to an exile that continues to date. The past, explored through the tales of witnesses and historical reconstruction, is interrupted by the images of the modern Kirghiz of Pamir who live in modern Turkey. The film may be considered partly a historical document, partly an ethnographical description, partly a portrait of the conflict between the individual and the globalized culture and finally an interesting and ironic look at how you can build and make a documentary film.