Pavol Bàrabaš
Slovakia / 2006 / 70'
Pavol Bàrabaš
Slovakia / 2006 / 70'

In the deep rain forest of Orinduik, a huge sandstone stands out against the sky. It is the legendary “Lost World”, the mountain group in the Guyana Highlands. Thanks to its almost total inaccessibility, some forms of primitive life have managed to survive as endemic species for millions of years. In 2005 a big helicopter landed on one of Chimantá massif peaks, bringing a group of men motivated by a common spirit of adventure and desire for discovery, anxious to penetrate the unexplored bowels of the earth. These men embarked on an expedition inside the so-called “demonic” mountain to discover its hidden natural phenomena. Apart from fighting against the difficulty of a wet and impracticable terrain and overcoming the darkness, they will be obliged to face their intimate and human fears.


Pavol Bàrabaš

Pavol Bàrabaš graduated from the Slovak University of Technology. He has worked as an cameraman and director for SportFilm, advertising agency Erpo and for K2 Studio. He has made television commercials and numerous mountain films in which he documents the lives of people living in extreme conditions. He has also made ski-training videos and promotional films for the Tatra Mountains and the Caucasus. His work has won a range of awards at Slovakia’s Poprad Festival. In 1999, he won the Gran Premio “Città di Trento” for his film “118 Days in Captivity of Ice”. He has also entered a range of other films at the festival.