Dolkar, a young Buddhist woman from Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas is very fond of hockey. Together with her female school-mates, she has engaged in looking for equipment and creating whatever is necessary to play, such as ice-skates, sticks and even ice itself. They would like to participate in the annual Junior Hockey Championship. But, the person in charge of the Winter Sport Club would rather have the girls practice artistic skating and therefore decides to deny them the possibility to take part in the hockey competitions. When the girls get to realise this, they protest and Dolkar becomes the leader of this lively and resolute team. The girls must also face other problems and adverse situations, such as thin ice, very bad equipment and no coach. In the end, thanks to Deb who becomes their coach, the girls set off across the mountains heading for the village of Kargil, where they join a Muslim team. The Muslim and Buddhist girls challenge the boy’s team that had been the winner so far…