Journey of a Red Fridge follows the unusual journey of a red Coca-Cola fridge as it leaves a valley under Annapurna on its way to be repaired. On this journey we learn about the experiences of Hari Rai, the young man carrying the fridge. He is doing this heavy work because of the lack of employment in the region and like many of his colleagues he uses the money he makes to pay for his studies. Hari Rai's journey is complemented by his comments on the social situation in Nepal. He meets with villagers who offer him hospitality and food, sometimes in exchange for something he is carrying in the fridge, such as a live chick. But the film also speaks about Hari's dreams and goals in life, showing in a respectful, moving and ironic tone, the hopes of a young man and his struggle to go on.
Lucian was born in Serbia in 1976. He gradueted from the University of Film and Teatre Department of Cinematography in Bucarest, Romania, in 2000.
Since he graduated, he's been working as a cinematographer for various international Production and Tv networks.
Nataša Stankovic
Natasha was born in Serbia in 1977. She graduated from tha University of Arts, Department of Photography and Video in Bucarest, Romania, in 2001. Currently, she is advancing her studies in photography at the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2005, Lucian and Natasha filmed, directed, produced and edited their first documenary, a short film called Punam. Punam has been screened at more than 50 international festivals and recived 7 awards, one of them the UNICEF Award for Children Rights.