Italy / 2007 / 73'
Italy / 2007 / 73'

K2 is the perfect mountain: this epithet stands very well for what the second highest peak in the world has meant for the history of mountaineering. K2 was conquered for the first time in 1954 by Compagnoni and Lacedelli, and encompasses all the difficulties and challenges that can add up on the way to its summit. It is also one of the most wonderful mountains of the Himalayas, with its stunning and breathtaking views and its unequalled height. The Italian expedition K2Freedom is assembled by Marco Mazzocchi, RAI journalist and correspondent, Daniele Nardi, expedition chief, and the mountaineers Pietro Desanctis, Mario Vielmo, Stefano Zavka, Michele Fait and Claudio Tessarolo. They will climb a way that goes up along the Sperone degli Abruzzi from the south wall. Mazzocchi, who has extensive experience as a cameraman, shoots everything using a video camera, making a journalistic work that is, at the same time, a challenge to his own limits and an exciting story. The audience not only share the mountaineering expedition, but also the personal dimension of a man facing his fear, excitement and death as well as the protagonists’ efforts, energy, sorrow, friendship and hope.



Marco Mazzocchi was born in Rome on 13th April, 1966. He is a journalist and anchorman.
After collaborating with Tuttosport, La Stampa, Paese Sera, Radio Dimensione Suono and Telemontecarlo, in 1988 he worked with the sport editorial office of Tg3and for five years for the TV programmes: Derby, Il Processo del Lunedì and the news.
In 1992 he moved to the new sports programme, RaiSport. In 1993 he became rugby commentator and anchored the daily programmes Pomeriggio Sportivo and Sportsera. In 1994 he worked on the programme Il Processo ai Mondiali., He was the commentator for slow motion football replay in the sports programme Domenica Sprint from 1994 to 1996 and since 1995 has been a professional journalist. In 1996, with Antonella Clerici, he became anchorman of Domenica Sprint.
In 1997 he became the anchor for the RAI progamme, Tre Sportfolio and correspondent and football commentator for the TV programme Novantesimo Minuto. In 1998 he anchored Sportivamente, with Marco Civoli. In august 1999 he arrived at La Domenica Sportiva, theoldest sports programme in Italy.
His experiences as a commentator include: the Tour de France in 1995, The Athletic World Championship in 1997, the Football World Cup in 1998, the Giro d'Italia in 1999 – as commentator and anchorman the Football European Cup in 2000, the Olympic Games in 1996 and 2000. In 2001, he was the anchorman of La Domenica Sportiva, and special correspondent of RaiSport. Since 2003 he has also worked in entertainment programmes, as correspondent for successful formats such as the TV reality show, L'isola dei Famosi, for RAI Italian television.


Matteo Mazzocchi is the author and director of many travel reports such as Destinazione Australia, Destinazione India, Dalle Pendici dell’Himalaya al Golfo del Bengala, a full-length film Italian Rugby Tour (2003) and many other documentary films and programmes for RAI and Sky.