Australia / 2008 / 52'
Australia / 2008 / 52'

2006 was one of the worst years in the history of Everest due to the high number of tragic deaths occurring during the ascents. Lincoln Hall, a skilled climber, was asked to participate in an expedition as a cameraman specialising in shooting at altitude. For him, it was his second attempt to reach the summit, having failed the first time, twenty two years before. Just after having reached the summit, Hall started to behave irrationally and to feel very disoriented because of lack of oxygen. Looked after by his loyal porter for more than nine hours, he finally collapsed and was declared dead by the members of the expedition. His family was informed and the media announced the news. That night, something occurred that science cannot explain. The next morning, Lincoln Hall was found alive by some mountaineers and a dramatic rescue operation began. Nobody before had ever been declared dead on Everest at such height and later found to have survived. The film is about Lincoln’s unbelievable story and his miraculous return to life from death in the ice.



Jen Peedom began her movie career participating in ‘Race Around Oz’ an Australian television series. Combining her background in economics with her passion for video, she became first a producer for the Inside Film Awards for IF Media, and then organisation manager. Specialising in high altitude sports, in recent years she has produced and directed films about three expeditions to the Himalayas for SBS and Discovery Channel. She directed the first season of the series Everest: Beyond the Limit for Discovery Channel. She is currently working as a producer in an Australian independent production company, Essential Viewing. She directed and produced Miracle on Everest for ABC, France 5 and National Geographic Channel. She is currently working on the film Solo for the National Geographic Channel.