LIM IL JIN, Il Jin Lim
South Korea / 2008 / 79'
LIM IL JIN, Il Jin Lim
South Korea / 2008 / 79'

On a far-off, unidentified mountain three men are facing a huge and difficult wall. There seems to be an almost dreamy atmosphere, but the feat is actually a difficult one and you can perceive it at each breath and centimetre they conquer. The film alternates moments of deep and intimate reflections with long climbing sequences, described and captured in great detail. Calm alternates with tension and introspection follows the physical effort. The protagonist sometimes appears disoriented, exhausted and about to give up. Nevertheless, nothing can stop him and he keeps on going. During his ascent he is deeply focused and attentive, measuring every millimetre of rock by sight and touch. This man creates a deep connection with the mountain, and the more the face becomes difficult, the more he takes his time and care in climbing it. The result is a fascinating climbing film, where man is confronted with his own ego while dealing with the difficult ascent, and which describes his interior journey through an intense monologue.



Lim Il Jin is a Korean film-maker. He attended the Korean University of Foreign Studies, graduating in his country in 1997, and then moved to Japan where he studied at the Art College - Media Department of Chiyoda. After finishing his studies and specialising at the Broadcasting Academy in 2002, he started his profession as a film-maker. Filmography: Breathe 2 Climb (2002), Let’s get pumped (2005), Another Way (2007) and The Wall (2008).

Il Jin Lim

Lim Il Jin is a Korean film-maker. He attended the Korean University of Foreign Studies, graduating in his country in 1997, and then moved to Japan where he studied at the Art College - Media Department of Chiyoda. After finishing his studies and specialising at the Broadcasting Academy in 2002, he started his profession as a film-maker. Filmography: Let’s get pumped (2005); Another Way (2007); The Wall (2008).