The documentary film is a unique documentary study of phenomenon of sword dances, tradition preserved up to now across European countries. The film arises from the work of famous Moravian ethnologist Frantisek Pospнsil. The authors gained the copies contained an unpublished editing of sword dances in Europe shot apparently at a time from 1920 to 1926 by Frantisek Pospнsil. The archive shots from the twenties confronted with contemporary reality form the first backbone of the documentary film. The second backbone of the document is formed by the person of Frantisek Pospнsil, the film enthusiast who at the time of the culminating economic crisis travels across Europe and makes his film records with a heavy film equipment.
Petr Hajn
Petr Hajn was born 1963 in Plzen. He graduated from the Masaryk University in Brno and the Prague Academy of Art (documentary film studies). He worked as free lance photographer, director assistant for private production companies in Brno and Prague, then as a director for Czech Televizion, RAI, ZDF and ORF. Since 1993 he is the owner of Direct Film (independent production company).