The hills of Visoko, a village in the heart of Bosnia, hide what could be the greatest archaeological discovery of our times or the most fanciful common cheat: five pyramids. The discovery of these pyramids, the most ancient and highest in the world, was made by Semir Osmanagi, a Bosnian scholar settled in Texas. In 2005 this "Indiana Jones of the Balkans" disturbed the collective imagination of the place and the life of its inhabitants, attracting television, scientists and curious onlookers from all over the world. Although it is a hypothesis still to be scientifically verified, the Visoko inhabitants can see in the pyramids an opportunity for their social and historical redemption. The phenomenon takes on the aspect of a collective dream, where reality takes second place to hope. A human comedy that tells how the intuition of a man progressively leaves space for the dreams of a whole community: the Bosnian dream.
Chiara Brambilla
Chiara Brambilla was born in1982. She lives and works in Milan. In 2004 she graduated in Cultural Heritage sciences, specialising in cinema and theatre at the Università degli Studi di Milano. In 2008 she wrote and directed the documentary film Lo Zio Sem & il Sogno Bosniaco (52’), produced by Mir Cinematografica and DocLab, with the participation of CULT FOX, RTSI Swiss Television, “Vela d’Oro” for best Italian documentary film at the 2008 Bellaria Festival. She made her debut with Casa Plastica (2006) which was awarded a prize for best debut work at Bellaria Festival in 2006.