In September 2006, the Arctic ship Tara was trapped in the ice at latitude 80-degrees north during a two-year trip. On board was the most important scientific mission for the study of global warming, the “Damocles Project”, which included forty-five excellent European laboratories and hundreds of scientists. Today Europe is concentrating its resources on trying to understand and analyse the dangers that are threatening our planet, to find a solution that will manage them. The Tara mission is an outstanding human and scientific adventure, at the heart of our planet on which we rely for our survival. While the ice is inexorably and quickly melting, some men are fighting a silent and hard war everyday to guarantee a future for mankind.
The aim of this movie is to give information about the serious dangers that our planet is facing and its challenge is to be able to foresee a future for mankind.
Thierry Ragobert
Ragobert was born in France in 1959. Between 1978 and 1981 he was a cameraman for French television. Between 1982 and 1992 he worked at the Cousteau Society as a cameraman and assistant director, making several documentaries such as Rio 92 Earth Summit, Mission Calypso aux Philippines, Mission Amazonie, Mission Pacifique. He participated in the TrentoFilmfestival in 2001 with Les Derniers Jours de Zeugma. His filmography includes: Alexandrei, la magnifique, L'énigme des Nascas, Egypt's City of the Dead, Treasures of the Sunken City and The white Planet.
Emmanuel Roblin
He is a French director, specialising documentary films for television. He graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques and majored in audiovisual communication at the Berkley University in California (U.S.A.), specialising in Political Sciences at the Université de Paris III. He produced several television series about nature. His works include: Un paradis pour les gorilles, Déclic et des îles, Les Gardiens de la Jungle, Sur la Piste des Tigres, Cameroun, le Grand Pillage e Madagascar, la Foire aux Espèces Rares.