This film tells the story of Sonia Spagnoli, a fragile, but brave, university student, and the people in her life. The main person is her father Giacomo with whom she shares her summers in a mountain hut 2200 metres above sea level. The sounds of the mountains create a beautiful backdrop to this tale. The film shows Sonia churning butter, Giacomo making a bitter type of Silter cheese in a cauldron, Giovanni grappling with a cow’s udder, and Ivan, who has an adult’s maturity despite his young age. As the day draws to a close, all of them are well-aware that they have given nothing less than their all, and sometimes much, much more.
Micol Cossali
Micol Cossali graduated in Aesthetic Philosophy from the University of Verona and also attended the Fare Cinema workshop run by Marco Bellocchio. She has worked as director’s assistant on several film and television productions and also works in audio-visual language training. She has directed several short films and documentaries. In 2010, she took part in the TrentoFilmfestival with "Di padre in figlia" and "Minór", and in 2011 with "Chiafura".