The documentary recounts the everyday life of Luca, aged 20, a young shepherd at the Smarano and Sfruz mountain hut, and his equally young friends and colleagues, through the words of the protagonist. By following a day in the life of the young man we go on a journey through the mountains, where the sun marks the pace of life, and the city, dominated by noise. The protagonist’s choice to work high in the mountains is linked to his artistic studies and personal experiences. A simple story set against the background of the mountains and an ancient livelihood, offering the opportunity to reflect on our relationship with the landscape and the past.
marco rauzi
A literature graduate, he developed an interest in photography and film, exploring the relationship between man and landscape. With the short film "L'orto di Alice", made with Anna Sarcletti, he won the Cinemagiovani 2010 competition in Trento. He currently works with the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino as a filmmaker.
Anna Sarcletti is a history graduate. With the short film "L'orto di Alice", made with Marco Rauzi, she won the Cinemagiovani 2010 competition in Trento. She currently works with the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino as a filmmaker.