This is the first film entirely devoted to street-climbing and it features heart-stopping scenes from the city of Geneva. The idea was to pick the best climbers from a range of disciplines (bouldering, rock, big-wall and traditional) and see how they coped with buildings. Alain Robert is the historic leader of this crazy bunch, who manage to find an outlet for their creative climbing in even the most anonymous of alleyways. Robert’s fellow street-climbers include Giovanni Quirici, Loic Gaidioz, Liv Sansoz and Elie Chevieux.
Yannick Boissenot
Yannick first approached directing at the age of 15. He subsequently worked for a production company for two years, before creating his own independent company. He has been to Japan twice to make skiing films, following a professional skier on the descent from Mount Fuji, while in 2010 he made the first documentary on urban climbing, together with his brother. Passionately interested in the mountains, climbing and film, thanks to his directing work he has managed to combine all his areas of interest.