Due to a prophecy made by a dervish before the birth, Hakie became a Burrnesha, a sworn virgin. Burrneshas are biological women who have sworn to remain virgins in order to live in society as men.
Despite the archaic divisions of gender still active in Albania, at the age of 71 Hakie has a completely autonomous life on a small farm: Hakie inherited the house from her parents, does the housework and cultivates the land. Hakies daily routine in the Albanian Alps allows us to see how the category »gender« is very much a social construction.
Anabela Angelovska
Anabela Angelovska, born in Germany in 1974, specialised in film and media philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg in 2006. In 2004 she has completed the degree in visual communication and in 2006 she took a postgraduate degree. She has directed and supervised numerous documentaries and essay films, while concurrently carrying out intensive teaching activities.
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