La chasse
La chasse
Alexey Alekseev
France / 2017 / 5'
La chasse
Alexey Alekseev
France / 2017 / 5'

Les déboires d’un chasseur citadin, myope et inoffensif qui a pris par erreur avec lui un lapin à la place de son chien pour partir à la chasse dans la forêt. Au final, aucun animal n'a souffert.


Alexey Alekseev

Born on June 5th, 1965 in Moscow (Russia). After having studied animation with Fyodor Khitrouk, Alexey Alekseev developed his own style, laconic and witty, with an offbeat and sarcastic humor. He works in animation since 25 years, and in the past 20 years, he has worked as a director and surpervisor of many short films and TV series, and won 70 awards at international festivals. Alexey is an animator, art director, layout man and storyboarder, post-production supervisor, editor and music composer.
